/e sex jenny mode but with sam and clarity
minecraft command or like /e sam x clarity
1.One who has completely disowned his feelings for one in a past relationship and who's actual name has become taboo to the one he left.
2.A name given to substitute in place of someone that hurt you.
1. The act of throwing someones belongings in the garbage or desecrating them by pouring a liquid substance on their stuff. Also know as being a snyder.
2. The act of defiling a backpack with semen in order to keep a girl's sheets clean, or out of her mouth
1. We wont say his name. We'll just call him character-x.
2. Character-x is such a dick head.
1. I character-x'd his shit at lunch today.
2. I totally character-x'd the other night because Sierra hates to swallow.
Narrow-minded thinking lacking of any semblance of human sense or thought; Mostly alike an indigenous species of orangutans.
Person A (from X A): *Makes a lame joke*
Person B,C,D,E,F,G,H,IJ,K: Lol man you are so savage bro.
X B student: Classic X A mentality
The amazing ship between Murder Drones robots "Serial Designation V" and "Cyn"
Everyone knows this ship is COOL, and YES THEY SHOULD MAKEOUT!!!
Robots from Murder Drones "Serial Designation V" and "Cyn" ARE MAKING OUT!!!
"ADD Cyn X V to your fanfictions TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!"
It's a meme. A math meme. You would know, wouldn't you? Go outside some more.
WHATS 6 x 3 ? You mean 6 x 3 = ? -.-