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Dirty Tit Fuck

When you take a dump on a girl's chest, and titfuck her, using the poop as lubricant

Nolan: What did you guys do last night?

Damian: Dude she totally let dirty tit fuck her! It was awesome!


by Zombieeatsasian June 2, 2011

You’re fucking sad.

A way to describe someone who is pathetic.

You’re fucking sad.”

by Asnickalone January 2, 2024


When you are getting ready for bed/sleep, and your partner fucks the shit out of you until you fall asleep.

I was having trouble going to sleep until my boyfriend fucked-me-in.

by Stonewallace March 29, 2020


When your Autistic brother gets mad at your older brother for no reason.

Josh- walks in room
Mario- Fuck you JOSH

Josh- stays quiet

Also Josh- I hate my life

by Compound dyslexic December 29, 2022

fuck and fade

Primarily experienced with online dating.

First you meet and chat. Sometimes this progresses to a date and sex. After which point, said person gets slower and slower about responding and eventually just disappears.

Friend: So how'd the date go?
You: I thought it went great but then he pulled a fuck and fade.

by kitkats482 May 26, 2016

Like a fucking brolly

Go super duper hard like a saiyan.

Damn look at home girl over there squatting 200 pounds, she going in like a fucking brolly

by Jesusbutwithabiggerd June 15, 2020

Fucking Fluffy

Some thing one does when there is nothing to do. Typically done in restaurants when there are no orders are in and all the days prep is finished.

" there is nothing els to do but Fuck Fluffy for the rest of the day."

"TOBAR! stpo fucking fluffy and get back to work!"

by the one and only Tobar March 17, 2009