When you take a dump on a girl's chest, and titfuck her, using the poop as lubricant
Nolan: What did you guys do last night?
Damian: Dude she totally let dirty tit fuck her! It was awesome!
A way to describe someone who is pathetic.
“You’re fucking sad.”
When you are getting ready for bed/sleep, and your partner fucks the shit out of you until you fall asleep.
I was having trouble going to sleep until my boyfriend fucked-me-in.
When your Autistic brother gets mad at your older brother for no reason.
Josh- walks in room
Mario- Fuck you JOSH
Josh- stays quiet
Also Josh- I hate my life
Primarily experienced with online dating.
First you meet and chat. Sometimes this progresses to a date and sex. After which point, said person gets slower and slower about responding and eventually just disappears.
Friend: So how'd the date go?
You: I thought it went great but then he pulled a fuck and fade.
Go super duper hard like a saiyan.
Damn look at home girl over there squatting 200 pounds, she going in like a fucking brolly
Some thing one does when there is nothing to do. Typically done in restaurants when there are no orders are in and all the days prep is finished.
" there is nothing els to do but Fuck Fluffy for the rest of the day."
"TOBAR! stpo fucking fluffy and get back to work!"