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Bee boy

Also known as Tubbo, and the greatest member on the dream smp.

Bee boy- โ€œBEES, OH MY GOD I LOVE BEES!!โ€

by Tuberculosis :) July 11, 2021

17๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Boy Scouts

a quasi military organization that trains young american boys how to kick ass and take names,they do a lot more than than set stuff on fire and tie knots.

micheal: i would never join the boy scouts, its gay
john: i know how to 200 ways to kill you in 5 secs

by mr.remoter January 13, 2011

220๐Ÿ‘ 96๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nova Boy

An irritating Chav or Pikey who insist on driving shit old cars (Mainly Nova's, Corsa's Fiesta's, anything with excessive rust etc) and usually with badly fitted and unpainted bodykits, oversized exhausts and other stick on crap they can get from Halfords or Max Power, bought with their Giro. These idiots can often be found playing Happy Hardcore or also be playing the new, ever so popular with the girls, Chav Chav Slide by DJ Casper.

They can often be found lurking round Macdonalds and Schools, picking up their 12 year old bird.

I hate Nova Boys.

by Mark April 14, 2004

37๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

boy bands

I wouldn't even call these "bands" because they play no instruments and can barely sing. To make matters worse, every one follows the same formula:

-- the good looking guy;
-- the talented guy (the only one who can actually sing);
-- the shy, quiet guy;
-- the "older brother" type; and
-- the "bad boy."

Boy bands are creepy. Here's 5 guys in their late-twenties and early-thirties who sing love songs to 12- and 13-year-old girls! Boy bands make R. Kelly look like the Patrib Saint of Chastity!

by Bozz Hawg April 7, 2004

405๐Ÿ‘ 179๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pajama Boy

An insufferable Man-Child. About as threatening as Michael Cera and so nerdy he could guest-host on an unwatched MSNBC show. The purpose of Pajama Boy is not to get people to buy health insurance, but to get a rise out of more powerful personas.

Pajama Boy is an insufferable Man-Child probably reading The Bell Jar and looking forward to a hearty Christmas meal of stuffed tofurkey. If he has anything to say about it, Obamacare enrollments will spike in the next few weeks in Williamsburg and Ann Arbor.

by nobody79 April 21, 2016

127๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž

poor boying it

Walking. Lacking other modes of transportation. Usually referencing a lack of funds.

You pitchin' in for gas?...
Guess you'll be po' boyin it then.
See ya, loser.

by curtisjlowe April 2, 2004

11๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bellevue Boy

A guy who has looks that are too good to be true, has the worst personality and will play with a girls heart.

I shouldโ€™ve known he was a Bellevue boy

by Yeetorbeyeeten March 14, 2019

11๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž