Person that doesn't like rotisserie, smoke jack, or any kind of roasted pig or lamb.
- I don't like roasted pig.
- You are a fake person
Watch out for ppl who have ulterior motives. Look out for people who are wolves in sheep's clothing. Look out for the ppl who are mascarading as your friend wile waiting for their oppertunity to rob you of the things you hold dear and they want.
Watch out for the 32 fake!!!
The paedo version of fake taxi.
This guy is disgusting, he spends all his free time browsing Fake School Bus via Tor.
When "Asian" telecallers start speaking with a fake American accent after being on the job for a week. Usually done when they're meeting people for the first time; it usually disappears in a half hour or so because they can't escape the urge to talk normally again.
She was a pretty girl with a hot personality but when her F.A.S. (fake accent syndrome) kicks in she is so YUCK !!
fumbfucks who say they are autistic, despite not being autistic
usually gen Zs on TikTok, usually female, and doing it for attention.
they are only hurting people who are actually on the spectrum, such as myself.
these people need to be put down before they spread.
oh god.. another one of those tiktokers with fake autism.
that one that acts retarded and illiterate, as they are too ignorant and attention seeking to actually understand what it is. either that or they are retarded, and they call it autism.
A scam artist fake persona of a person that makes fake things up fill his her pockets with donations
That person can (stay fake ) there full of lies
Not real hot dog. Like made of plastic and you cant eat it.
Kid: Hey! What are you going to be on halloween?
Other kid:I dont know yet
Kid:Hey! Whats that in your pocket?
Other kid: fake hotdog