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Green beans

Food that Jeffy hates.

Marvin: Jeffy time for dinner!
Jeffy: *sees a plate of green beans*
Also Jeffy: *throws plate*
Marvin: Jeffy why did you do that?!
Rose: Jeffy you have to eat your green beans!
Jeffy: i dint haf tew

by Not_Ceehny May 22, 2021

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looney beaned

getting fucked with, when an 80 year old retard screws you over

im pissed cuz i just got looney beaned

fight on trojans (Fags)

by thug life14 May 26, 2011

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sensu bean

Saijin drugs

Are you on sensu beans

by balls55 November 30, 2015

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Bean flicker

A chick who humiliates good ex-bfs unnecissarily to prevent improving his social status , and claims all sorts of compensation because of his behaviour when he was much younger and still learning.

That bean flicker just stood me up , called the cops and a few hundred black dudes to say I am stalking her after agreeing to mind my pet Komodo dragon while I go out.

by Cruciferous September 1, 2021

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Bubble Beans

He is a very kind guy with the beans. He is super duper nice and is like a sugar daddy.

Guy 1: Oh my is that the one Bubble Beans
Guy 2: Wow he is so cool

by SugarRad November 13, 2020

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buff bean

A big strong boy.
A boy with a six pack and huge muscles.

Girl: β€œYo Zach Tucker is a buff bean”.
Other girl: β€œYeah he’s so hot”.

by NotZachTucker January 19, 2020

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buff beans

fit much

yr fit mate well im buff beans

by o yea! July 17, 2008

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