Whos aladdin and why do I need to keep my mouth shut??
Definition: these people need to be on meds and they are asking for help.
*walking minding own business
Person(s) walk up, "keep your mouth shut or they are going to kill your aladdin."
..I don't know whom they are referring.
Means To Kill the rich People Who is Very Greedy In Life or to kill innocent Children
A desire to kill a person, community, group or company from social media platforms.
It is derived from cancel culture, made by people who hate cancel culture. Kill culture is taking one step forward from cancelling, it is killing that person or group.
Kanye Hater: "Kanye is shit, he should give up music!"
Kanye fan: "#killkanyehater
Kanye hater: "dont kill culture me"
A phrase used to show that a request or command can't be done because of its consequences.
Man A: Give me your phone
Man B: Kuku kill me
On May 7th every person who got s€xu@lly assaulted/ r@ped is allowed to legally kill their rapists/ assaulters :)
Random:” Hey what’s today?”
Random 2:” Today is National “kill all r@pists” day! Have fun and be as brutal as you want because the deserve it!”