A species of slug that is known to inhabit the dingiest, most disgusting places known to man. This creature feeds on human waste and filth, and it is agreed upon by most zoologists that its excrement is far more vile and toxic than what it ingests as sustenance. Its mating call sounds vaguely like a popular song written by the Flobots (though anyone foolish enough to find this breed of slug suitable as a pet would vehemently deny this), and it often creates nests for itself with its own filth and excrement. For this reason, it is advisable to avoid this creature if one encounters it in the wild.
Logan Paul is known to expel waste that is much more vile than its sustenance.
Logan paul is an ex-controversial YouTube star that started his career during vine. When vine shut down he started vlogging on his YouTube channel (Logan paul) and now has a podcast called impaulsive.
1. I meet Logan paul yesterday, he was really nice to me
An American star on youtube that has moved on from his controversies from the beginning of 2018 and now has a girlfriend named Josie. He has become a better person and now friends with youtuber Ksi.
Who is that? “Ooh it’s logan paul.”
A Dickhead that films dead bodies for a living, He has a Lego Brother Jake Paul who is a cringey shit youtuber they are both stars in the entertainment side but they are not really stars
Logan Paul is a Dickhead, He films Dead bodies.
Logan paul is a pussy who films dead guys and will get dropped by KSI
P.S. im happy kong died
Logan Paul: (sees dead guy)
Whispers "bring the camera