To circumvent the licensing of an expensive Electron-based app
"I can horse this"
"Did you hear Lucia just horsed an app?"
One of the worst domestic animals to exist. Donkeys are way better 🫏🫏🫏🫏🫏
Hee haw - Doneky
Im fat and lazy - horses
A sex toy for many women, they love to suck on its huge cock
i love my horse cock
A two-player variation of basketball where one player makes a showboating/trick shot, eg. dribble four times, followed by a 360 degree spin and then performing a layup. If successful, the other player must attempt to replicate the same maneuver. If the second player misses the basket, they are awarded the letter “H”.
If successful, the second player chooses the next shot.
This continues until one player accumulates all the letters of the word HORSE, and that player loses.
I played horse with Blake Griffin. How do you think I did?
A Horse is a chicken but Bigger
You are an Ugly Horse who should feel horrible about themselves for the disgusting horse you are
If you managed to look this up, you're stupid. Lollolololol
When you have anal sex with a horse.
Quantavius Nicholas Dingleberry: Dude, guess what I did!
Dave: What?
Quantavius Nicholas Dingleberry: I Horse Analed my sister's horse Debbie!
Dave: lmao nice