A description used to define your friends cooking that will likely get you banned from facebook
Dude, you make White trash tacos
An insult is used when not trying to trigger a game's profanity filter.
"This guys a Trash Can Nugget"
Someone that works games at Renaissance Festivals including but not limited to axe throwing, knife throwing, archery, and the Test of Strength.
This colloquialism has been picked up due to their usually disheveled appearance, paint and dirt covered clothing and garb, and the amalgamation of butts, roaches, and bottle caps left in their pockets from the work day. They may be trash, but at least they don’t litter.
They also go by “gamers.” However, not to be confused with a “push monkey,” as the later tends to do more self-damaging acts.
“Why do gamer trash keep cigarette butts in their pockets?”
“As a form of identification for when someone finds the body.”
A group on Buzznet that isn't as 'scene' as it sounds. They do weekly photo tasks.
"Hey, have you been on Trashed Teens lately?" "Yer, I just put up my post there."
(noun): a guy that collects scrap metal
referenced from the movie "nothing but trouble" the judge collects scrap metal
hey, that valkenvanian trash collector is going through my garbage again
noun - refering to the little green Android guy, drawn in the shape of a trash can. Usually doodled while one is avoiding some type of academic studying. Occasionally has been known to be positioned next to bits of rubbish, a light pole, and a city bench.
Hunter decided to draw trash candroid instead of studying for his Genetics test.