When something straight up unbelievable and memish has happened to you out of deliberate actions or a really hilarious prank pulled off on you... or getting trolled like mad and rage-inducing my... that impression is you getting yeeted up.
Yeeted up does not mean the same as yeeted.
Yeeted up is another way of saying f**ked up but memishly.
Yeeted up currently cannot be expressed in another tense yeet
Usually comes after ‘got’ or ‘getting’ and more.
My creation XD
Kidnapping van driver: “Hey, wanna check out my van? I got some candy!”
Kid: “Oh my god really?”
Van driver: “Yeah, free.”
Kid: “Oh my god heck no.”
Van driver: “REVERSE CARD! Now get in my van! YEEEEEEEEET!!”
Kid: I just got yeeted up really badly.
lazer beams finishes his soda and proceeds to yeet his empty can into a trash bin
Used by incredibly intelligent people. Usually, they are subscribed to Fainted on youtube and plays up to four hours of Fortnite a day. Means "Your mom gay" in Arabic.
When you do a yeet so 🅱️ucking hard that you just can’t control it.
Memester 1: 🅱️🅾️ℹ️ I’ma hit that yeet now.
(classroom explodes)
Memester 2:Holy shit ni🅱️🅱️a!!!
Predicate adjective used to describe something of acceptable or desired quality; synonym of 'good.'
The phrase was popularized after the Utah Department of Transportation changed multiple digital highway road signs to read, "Hey teens buckling up is totes yeet yo" as part of a safety campaign for Teen Driver Safety Week in 2019.
"Hey teens, buckling up is totes yeet yo!" -Utah Department of Transportation
A Great Gremlin Yeet is when the smallest person in a group, either physically throws someone to the ground, usually in a parking lot. Can also be used to describe someone throwing another out of the friend group for being a douche.
"J gave Daniel the Great Gremlin Yeet today! She threw him to the ground in front of everyone!"
"J Great Gremlin Yeeted Ian for being a douche. He said he could remove all of her friends!"