'Bar Boobs' are when a girl falsely enhances the size of her breasts using push up bras and god knows what else, specifically when going out to the bars or clubs.
-"omg did you see becca's instagram pic from last night?!"
-"YUUUUS....her bar boobs were on point!!!"
-"I know right! I wonder if the guy she went home with was disappointed with what he found underneath"
-"You mean what he didn't find??"
A dark pair of sunglasses that permits one to stare at ones boobs without the risk of getting caught
Dude, check out those Norks!!
I can't, I left my boob glasses at home.
That was silly wasn't it. It's boob central!
When a man cums on a girl's title, and she wipes it off she misses some. The part she misses drys and she has a boob goober on her tits.
Johnny came in Sally's tips. Oops Sally missed a spot while cleaning up. Now she is walking around with a boob goober
Under boob sweat and stink
Man that girl had some nasty fromunda boob
Piss Boob is when someone pisses on someone's boob, it is most common in Canada and the United States and is usually performed by those with urophilia.
P1: "yo I just did the Piss Boob with my girlfriend"
P2: "yoo that's awesome"
Dammit! I caught Stacey cheating on me again with Chad. That stupid boob sex of a person I hope gets what she deserves. In the mean time I’m gonna drink choccy milk and go fuck myself in sadness.
A test to determine if your boobs are a) saggy or not and b) how saggy they are
Firstly sit back in a chair or sit up in bed and place a pencil on the underside of your breast. If the nipple resides below the pencil then the boob is saggy.
There is then a scale to determine how saggy the boob is by the number of pencils it takes to get to the nipple
1 pencil = saggy
2 pencil = deflated
3 pencil = empty
4 pencil = completely drained
5 pencil = witch tits
6 pencil = completely ruined
7 pencil = football socks
8 pencil = sausage tits
I'm going to do the saggy boob test today to see how saggy my tits are