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Look into a mirror

Guy1: "You know who Bozo the Clown is?"
Guy2: "Look into a mirror"

by This Nema Isn't Spelled Wrogn September 3, 2022


one direction fans


the one direction fandom

we're all clowns.

by harrysfeet May 22, 2020



Did you see nialls story? Were such clowns!!
18 months


by Harrysrighttoe January 28, 2021


a person who falls for someone who doesn't give a single fuck about you.

me: oh god, i'm such a clown for white men.
i should join the circus:-)

by lrioss May 15, 2020


Someone who gets even sillier when they're trying to look/sound serious.

She was a clown growing up, then claims to have changed and grown up.

by Solid Mantis January 2, 2021


A red nosed laugh maker.

Girl- What you see is what you get with me.
Guy- Well, I see a clown. I see a joke.
Girl- Then that's what you get, plus an egg to the face, and eggs thrown at your house. I'll say that Justin Bieber did it if anybody asks.

by Solid Mantis May 10, 2020


Someone that makes silliness happen for a living.

The officer who shot Daunte Wright was a clown trying to juggle weapons. Not everybody was interested in seeing the show though.

by Solid Mantis April 18, 2021