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Mother Dips

A wonderful wife, also referred to as a Gold Digger

Person one: Have you heard about my wonderful wife Mother Dips?

Person two: Yes I have! Didn't you also call her a gold digger?

Person one:sometimes, but that's when we call her Tubbo

by Halo5157 May 2, 2021

Dip or die

Something you would say in horror movies. Leave that shi or die (There's no other way just dip or die)

*White person sees a ghost in his/her house and decides to call the cops*
Me: Uh uh you ain't gettin that house back it's either dip or die

by ✨P e e B r e a t h✨ December 8, 2020

golden dip

The act of submerging a food in melted butter before or during the process of cooking it.

My baker suggested to me that before i put the doughnut into the oil that i must give it a golden dip so it cooks properly.

by Allday 69 December 5, 2019

Alaskan corn dip

An Alaskan corn dip is usually performed after a rusty trombone one partner takes a liquid shit in the mouth of the other partner then the first partner proceeds to take a piece of corn and dip it in the liquid shit causing a so called Alaskan corn dip

Partner 1. I’d like to try something new today

Partner 2. What is it

Partner 1. An Alaskan corn dip

Partner 2. Holy shit your a dirty bastard

by Alaskan corn dip September 9, 2021

I’ll be dipped in dogshit

What Ted Hanson says when he’s surprised

“Wait you ran into Paulie Wallnuts in downtown Gallatin?! I’ll be dipped in dogshit!”

by Paulie Wallnuts June 27, 2023

Skip n Dip

When you decide to skip class so you dip out of school right before the bell rings.

Person 1: Yo, did u see Alex earlier?
Person 2: Yea, he just Skip n Dipped like right before 4th period.
Person 1: I kinda feel him there. Math class is dumb anyway. Where is he now?
Person 2: He just posted on his story that he's out getting Taco Bell right now.

by Nukaslayer 235 November 2, 2021

Bacardi Dip

when you duck down behind something to hide taking a swig of Bacardi.

"Luckily Jessamy did the Bacardi Dip so no one would see her take a shot."

by Saraveza408 December 7, 2013