If you have long legs you’ll have a big dick it’s proven by scientists and ppl with long legs and big dicks
I have a bigger dick. Then aria Because I have longer legs and your short. I have a bigger dick because I’m longer
The phrase used to describe when you are unable or unwilling to accept something, usually a large issue on the person's behalf.
Person 1: Shit, I'm about to die! I can't have that!
A term NFT bros use when they can’t think of any other counter arguments.
Regular person: Bruh, NFTs are a scam. Why are you even supporting something that is literally a pyramid scheme?
NFT Bro: Have fun being poor.
The proper thing to tell anyone who tells you they lost all their money in NFTs
"I lost my house because I took out a second mortgage to buy bored apes" "lol. Have fun being poor"
A phrase to describe any feeling , good or bad
Does something terrible
Person: yo bro are you Having A Matich
Does something heroic
Person: yo bro are you Having A Matich
The term "have a better" is the kind of the same as the term "have a nice" but better!
Mr. Prain leaves work and says to Kevin, "have a nice!"
Mr. Kevin responds to Prain with, "you have a better!"
What you say when something is too powerful
Bob: He can pick all the boogers in his nose out very fast without anyone noticing
Joe: No one man should have all that power
Steve: The battery lasts for 10 years while left on
Akmed: No one man should have all that power
Dan: He can stand backwards from the toiet and piss up over behind himself and right into the toilet.
Bob: Damn, no one man should have all that power