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I have a bigger dick

If you have long legs you’ll have a big dick it’s proven by scientists and ppl with long legs and big dicks

I have a bigger dick. Then aria Because I have longer legs and your short. I have a bigger dick because I’m longer

by Hoes be mad June 29, 2022

Can't have that

The phrase used to describe when you are unable or unwilling to accept something, usually a large issue on the person's behalf.

Person 1: Shit, I'm about to die! I can't have that!

by an extremely depressed bandu November 3, 2022

Have fun being poor

A term NFT bros use when they can’t think of any other counter arguments.

Regular person: Bruh, NFTs are a scam. Why are you even supporting something that is literally a pyramid scheme?

NFT Bro: Have fun being poor.

by futbolr2125 April 25, 2022

Have fun being poor

The proper thing to tell anyone who tells you they lost all their money in NFTs

"I lost my house because I took out a second mortgage to buy bored apes" "lol. Have fun being poor"

by Yhdycjgddjg June 20, 2022

Having A Matich

A phrase to describe any feeling , good or bad

Does something terrible

Person: yo bro are you Having A Matich

Does something heroic

Person: yo bro are you Having A Matich

by Hoover Stoonfoord April 29, 2018

have a better

The term "have a better" is the kind of the same as the term "have a nice" but better!

Mr. Prain leaves work and says to Kevin, "have a nice!"
Mr. Kevin responds to Prain with, "you have a better!"

by K3vo86 March 24, 2021

no one man should have all that power

What you say when something is too powerful


Bob: He can pick all the boogers in his nose out very fast without anyone noticing

Joe: No one man should have all that power

Steve: The battery lasts for 10 years while left on

Akmed: No one man should have all that power

Dan: He can stand backwards from the toiet and piss up over behind himself and right into the toilet.

Bob: Damn, no one man should have all that power

by TacticalTaco42069 February 9, 2019