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Cam boy

is an actor who transmits video in real time over the internet using a webcam, showing himself naked or in underwear

He was a cam boy

by yng06 April 6, 2020

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Boonie Boys

The collective term for a group of lads smoking cigarettes or Boonie's, from which this word originates.

'look at you big bunch of boonie boys smoking boonies.'

and 'look at us... a bunch of boonies boys'

by Duckcave September 6, 2007

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Swag boy

A boy that thinks he's hotter than a 2 pistol and makes sure everyone knows

Henry told me that he fell from heaven, he's such a swag boy

by Ki24 February 4, 2019

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A boy cut is a girl with really short hair. Like a boy. Hence, Boy cut!

Omg, look at how short her hair is!

I know, she went and got a boy-cut on Tuesday.

by No-body! Ha! June 4, 2007

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boy time

Boy Time is when a group of brothers or "homeboys" hang or chill. They have lots of fun together without any girls or "sisters". Boy Time is the most important part of becoming besties with your bros.

"Yo Kev when are we meeting up for boy time?" "No sweet respected girl, you can't come to boy time, it is for brothers only. I will hang out with you another time i pinky promise."

by gfofaboywholovesbrothertime December 1, 2018

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British Boys

Attractive men who get even more attractive once you realize they are British. It makes you wonder why you don't live in England yet

Some British Boys :

Tom Holland

Harry Styles
Lando Norris

"Look at him he is cute. Well of course he’s British."

by Anamontana001 December 30, 2022

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Bugel Boy

A sexual move that was created and perfected in the Jersey shore area. It is when a male craps into a condom, then ties the condom off, effectively making a dildo with human feces. The male then proceeds to dildo a female with the crap-filled condom.

I took a shit and then gave my girlfriend the ol' Bugel Boy.

by CranHigh May 31, 2008

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