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fake words

the definition of urban dictionary

bro: how many fake words are there on the ud?
you: uhm, way too many lmfao

by Arxify April 18, 2023

fake one

opposite of real one

you a fake one fr

by boomboomdajoomjoom November 14, 2022

fakes it

A creepy thing to hear about a girl that you know.
Probably true though.

"Hey everyone, Cat fakes it!"

by insaneinthemembrane September 16, 2006

Fake ass whore

Someone who calls you there friend but doesn’t notice your not in class all day and asks for a ride home

Bethany is a fake ass whore

by Rjabaddie October 14, 2021

fake 64x64

A 64x64 texture in the SM64 engine with bloom effect and rarc compression

Holy shit is that a motherfucking fake 64x64 reference?

by rabindor October 25, 2017

fake dating

Fake dating When 2 people act like they're in a relationship for social gain

I can't believe Natalia and josh are fake dating again.

by fake dating September 23, 2020

fake ice

The left over chips of ice in a dirty cooler.

You're acting like fake ice.

by Wienerdogz May 15, 2016