Top three coolest, most loyal, ride or die friends u have.
Its time for a safety meeting but don't tell everyone- its only for the trifecta of coolness.
trans or intersexual person who moves between genders in order to hide their identity from others.
This Cool Schmool Hole tried to convince me to send them money.
A gaming term for when a character wants to do something neat or flashy, but in order to do so must spend a disproportionate amount of resources to do so for marginal gain. Effectively, a resource tax on a player to do something cool.
Brilliant Weapons are cool taxed to hell, the effect doesn't even work on most monsters yet it's price is one of the highest in the book.
Tré Cool is the drummer of Green Day, and also one of the sexiest, most awesomest people ever.
Tré Cool is my favorite drummer
Kick ass drummer for Green Day who pulls of the best drum solos.
Tre Cool pulled off a kick ass drum solo when performing "Burnout".