A condom for men with small penises.
The Trojans kept falling off; so to stop impregnating his cousins, Leroy stopped by the store and picked up a value pack of bee hats.
People that wears green hard had are usualy better than there blue hard hat coworkers .
My favorite coworker wears a green hard hat
(1) Any hair that is not grown directly from the owner scalp such as a weave extensions clip-ins etc. Worn by a black woman
(2) A blonde colored weave
The average ghetto Hoodrat is always seen with long fingernails and Becky Wig Hat
Short douchebag hair style, often seen on guidos
OMG! Look at that balkan hat, what a rebel!
Trick in which Josh Bryan gives a girl his hat in order to make her feel special so he can hook up with her.
“That girl last night wasn’t really vibing with JB until he brought out the infamous hat trick”
Arose in Steamboat, Colorado due to the large number of young males and small number of young, nubile women. It desciribes the women that are earthy, hippie types that prefer not to shave or trim their pussy hair (and often their legs or underarms). If their hair sticks out from the sides of their panties, it is like a clown hat like where the clown has big hair sticking out the sides of his hat and all around his head.
Tom: Man, how was that chick last night?
Randy: She was a Steamboat Clown Hat.
Tom: That bad, huh?
Randy: Yeah, she hadn't shaved that thing in months.
I was afraid of what was in there, but I didn't turn it down.
Tom: Glad, it was you and not me!
When your a chubby guy standing up getting a blow job and your gut is resting on the Blow job givers head.
I was standing up getting a blow job and I rested my Ham Hat on her head !