Luray High School is the primary high school of Luray, Virginia that is also not very diverse. Luray High School struggles on keeping their kids off of drugs, and alcohol and that why half of their own kids are nicotine addicts and alcohoics at a young age. The school system dont want to fire any of their "bad" or "most complained" employees because they wouldnt have a replacement for the employee. Typically most of the teachers are actually nice and can actually get you to learn.
The students are typically the reason why the school is going to hell because most of the kids are douchy, redneck, awkward, whores, nerds, the barking mofos, and way more. There are some students who are trying to go places and have a good education and get wealthy and live a good life but their peers are ruining it for them. People are trying to be funny by saying random things out of context in the conversation.
Everyone hates eachother in the damn school, or most them and their are beef or some fights that happened, Any relationship that happens in the school dont turn out so well and they talk shit about eachother. The drama in this school is non stop its typically funny or dumb and people don't like to shut up about it. Typically in anyones social medias the post about "simpy or lovy dovy shit" or tik toks
If you dont trust your child and think he's gonna do drugs, vape , or any other illegal shit. You're probably right if they go to Luray High School
Is Luray High School a good school?
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A high school in Southern California that is regarded as “that bitch ass school that I go too” and referred in short as “Tustin” by the majority of the attending students. Their football team was elite, I’m talking cowboys mixed with patriots times 50, it lasted from 1924-2018. The new Varsity football team fucking SUCKS!! Their rival team, Foothill High School, has the shittiest football team to ever exist. I’m talking worse then the Raiders, and they kicked Tustin’s ass!!! 2019-present day Varsity is a mixture of cocky, egotistical, and dumb-minded kids that swear they’re gonna be the next Jerry Rice in the NFL. Sports aside, the fucking mascot is a FARMER! A FUCKING, FARMER! How shitty so that?! They don’t even have their own logo! They stole it from Texas Tech and now have to pay a fee to use their logo every year! Talk about lazy cunts. Tustin is notorious for being the high school that stands out in the district. It use to be known for it’s god tier football team, but who the fuck wants to talk about them now?! Other high schools in the district include Foothill High School and Beckman High School (not mentioning Hillview High School) Foothill and Tustin see Beckman as the nerdy Asian school, Tustin and Beckman see Foothill as the White rich boy, “dog check out this bape” type of school, and Foothill and Beckman see Tustin as the ghetto poor school that no one likes. In conclusion, Tustin fucking sucks and that bitch ass school gave me an F on my finals.
Bruh I go to Tustin High School, it fucking sucks!
The teachers at Tustin are so unfair! I can’t wait to drop out and become a SoundCloud rapper to flex the fucking shit outta Mrs. *can’t say this person’s name for legal reasons*
The new Varsity at Tustin blows dick bruh.
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One of the three public high schools located in Rochester, Minnesota. Known for it's meme culture and "GOFA", a fundraiser put on every year where the students raise an absurd amount of money in two weeks. Best school spirit out of all the HS in Rochester, football games are insane. Labled as the half ghetto, half pretentious school, as the students range from dirt poor to surgeon's kids. Rivalry against the other two high schools, Century and John Marshall are strong.
Person 1: Did someone from Mayo High School just donate $2000 towards GOFA?
Person 2: Yeah, the usual..
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Milan High School is the nastiest school ever. It’s the worst school in Indiana. We have kids barking. We have kids smearing shit on the walls. There’s perverted teachers. Let’s just say you’ll see some nasty shit while you attend here.
Hey do you go to Milan High School?
I heard there’s kids that smear shit on the walls.
Yea thats true, this school is gonna be my 13 reason.
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Where it’s cuul to juul in the schuul bathruums
Sisters high school-“mEeT mE iN tHe CuliNarY
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A giant school that just looks big on the out side but is filled with a lot of great people, also is not full of rich white kids, but instead with many different races and wealth status.
John: Franklin High School isnt full of a bunch of rich whites kids like urban dictionary
Joe: Your right is no
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oconee high is the upper class redneck school.small,stuck up,country,redneck infested,bitchy,self absorbed,preppy, cliquey type of school that also sales ALOT of drugs.where if u dont have a big truck or a mustang u cant hang out in the McDonalds/Publix parking lot.when every1 thinks the freaks r goths and worship satan.and the rednecks listen 2 rap. AKA 'whoreconee high' or 'slutconee'.where the rednecks sexually assult the cows.and the cows r the only entertainment.that or wal-mart.
"stoners",preps,jocks,freaks,nerds, niggas(colored ppl),the mexicans,exchanges,rednecks,posers(of every group),wiggers,boobs,emo kids,others.
"dats a truck righ' thur"
"get 'er dun"
"bush-hog, mmm hmm"
"gah,thats so GAY!"
(black ppl walk by)
redneck-"i thought we dun hung them all!"
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