When two individuals otherwise strangers hook up via a Facebook comment feed and agree to meet to get their nuts fudgey.
I never knew why I was on Facebook until my first two dollar turtle sundae.
The shitter, bog or crapper. When you have the turtle head you must return it to the turtle pond!
Let's go.
Give me ten minutes, I've got to visit the turtle pond.
Used as a pick-up line to refer to ones own pubic hair(s). pubs bush exotic turtle hairy
Would you like to go look at my turtles, they are pretty exotic.
A visible erection through the condom.
I leaned over, in an attempt to hide my condom turtle.
person 1: “turtle peepee?”
person 2: “geheheggerrrrgrggr YES!”
A situation when one takes an incomplete shit, leaving a protruding “turtle head” behind. The shitter then must pet the lodged turtle head approximately 70 times with toilet paper or moist wipes, shitter’s choice of course.
Mary was pettin’ the turtle for a solid hour after the lunch special at Benihana.