An undeveloped property consisting of a large pit commonly associated with a stubborn owner.
We have a very unattractive bob berg in our city. I wish they would build something in its place
Good example of an "Airline Bob": "You sound so british, you hoe" - said Nick (in an extremely gay voice).
To urinate or ejaculate so forcefully your penis flails uncontrollably.
Last night with Sasha she tugged me off so hard I started bobbing peacock all over her.
crusty old guy waiting for his grave to be dug, good friends with robbo, rips ass alot and tells you to get out of the doorway. salutes to random children making you his next victim
Connor, Angus, Jake and Elijah : Hi zombie man! (or) Hey bob!
Zombie man (bob) : Hey boyss! *salutes crustilly*
The best real estate agents in the entire Bay Area! Buy a house with The Johnston Lampert Group.
I just bought a house with Bob and Fran and I am so glad I did!