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Facebook Calendar

Your Facebook friend that makes daily wall posts about what day the week it is... constantly reminding you that "It's definately a Monday", or "Still-a-Monday-Tuesday", or "Hump Day Wednesday", or "Almost-There-Thursday" or "TGIF!". Often accompanied with some kind of negative tone about the work week and/or asking if the weekend is here yet.

dude 1: Damn, I've been raging so hard - I dunno even know what day it is!

dude 2: Me neither, lemme consult my Facebook Calendar - oh there it is, I see we are "halfway through the work week, Happy Hump Day!"

by ellare April 7, 2010

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Facebook retouching

the act of untagging oneself from unflattering or incriminating photos in order to maintain an a more attractive virtual persona

Girl: Are you looking at Kelly's album from the party last night?
Roommate: Yeah- gotta do some major Facebook retouching- my boobs were totally falling out of my tank top last night, and she still tagged me in all the photos!

by Andy Macintyre June 25, 2011

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Facebook Cleansing

When your Newsfeed is spammed with duck faces, horse shit, and anal turd you don't care about from random motherfuckers you want to stab in the face, you commence the act of facebook cleansing. Inspired by Hitler himself, you create a list of individuals you wish to kill and a list of individuals who irritate you to an intolerable degree. Then you go to each one of these individuals walls, leave them the sincere, heartfelt message of "fuck you" and proceed to defriend them. After you have gone through your entire list of victims, you are left with close friends, funny douchebags, random hot chicks you stalk from time to time, and NO annoying, urine gargling, feces eating, child molesting, snot chewing, ass licking, piss drinking, vomit spitting, duck-faced, irritating shitbags you were stupid enough to add in the first place.

And through Facebook Cleansing, you can once again use facebook with leisure.

These motherfucking duck-faced bitches are starting to make me release anal fluids against my will. I'm going to do some facebook cleansing and then burn them alive.

by Boywithadick July 29, 2012

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Take it to Facebook

When two separate parties make it a point to air out their grievances with one another via Facebook status updates.

Jessica was so mad that Kelly stole her paper and handed it in as her own so she decided to take it to Facebook and let everyone know that she was mad at Kelly for stealing her paper. Kelly then turned around and wrote that they both paid a third party to write the paper for both of them on her status update, discrediting Jessica's claim that it was her own paper. They continued insulting each other via status updates for the remainder of the week.

by Analogy Queen NJ March 3, 2010

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Facebook Warcry

The irritated sound you make when you have been annoyed by all of the 'Urban Dictionary word of the day' words that regard Facebook.

Man1: I was checking the 'Urban Dictionary word of the day' and let out the loudest Facebook Warcry when I saw that the word was related to Facebook.
Man2: Yeah, I do that all the time.

by MasterofEcru February 2, 2011

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Facebook Whore

When people have over 2000 friends on Facebook.
It's like sleeping with tons of men/women except it's on Facebook and everyone can see it.

Me: Hey Mary! How many friends do you have on Facebook? I just hit 500!

Mary: Oh I have 3746. I just cleaned out my friends list so it's a little bit small.

Me: You Facebook whore...

by xMuz September 6, 2011

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facebook superstar

when someone posts more than 20 times a day and all of them are not stupid.

Josh: this dude must have a real interesting life he posts all day and everything he says is interesting
Steffen: wow that dude is a facebook superstar

by mcstuffin February 17, 2011

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