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worker's block

A psychological inability to bring oneself to do work, particularly for one's employer.

"Man, I did nothing but play foosball all day today. I have a bad case of worker's block."

by darrenoia2 November 8, 2013


Another spellimn for a group of men in the uk .

Look at them blockes over there

by Dr dre July 1, 2021

Myers Blocking

When you or someone else trys to stop the Halloween mass killer Michael Myers from murdering his family members and babysitter's on his normal holiday.

Loomis shot Michael 6x ,he just did a Myers Blocking!

by Starsky Hutch 1010 December 13, 2020

Block Buster

When you bounce dat ass to hard

My girlfriend is a block buster.

by Knight102001 December 19, 2022

wait a block

If talking about someone wait until you are at least one block away from them.

If you are going to be talking about Karen you better wait a block she’s right behind us

by Jenjen5858 June 25, 2020

concrete blocks

Also known as a cinder block. Used in construction for basements and foundations.

Someone stole my wheels and I found by car up on concrete blocks.

by Paul Hofffmann June 15, 2007

Block blade

Cut off contact with someone or something.
Block correspondence.

Her boyfriend was getting crazy so she had to block blade his ass!

by All day 1978 May 14, 2021