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i dont care about money

A statement normally said by bri'ish sounding james'

"i dont care about money" - james

by thebestdracotic August 3, 2021

1πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Feel so Clean like a Money Machine-a


Da bois: Feel so clean like a Money Machine-a

by peepeepoopoololz December 18, 2020

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Me and My Money Got Wasted at the Cinema

Josh Vance’s first and most popular EP. The most notable song is β€œTitle Track”, but the song β€œTales of Pretzel Bites and Cheese” has gotten much recognition too. Other songs in this EP are β€œWatch for the Rats” and β€œ$70”

Girl 1: Hey have you listened to Me and My Money Got Wasted at the Cinema by Josh Vance

Girl 2: Oh hell yeah I listen to that shit every night

by theshmoefromoblock March 8, 2022

national give your girlfriend money day

you give your own girlfriend money on November 12

Hey, it’s National Give Your Girlfriend Money day!

by Bigger Huger Humongous Dick November 12, 2020

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Fuck bitches Get Money Shoot Heroin

1. When one's goal is to fuck as many women and make as much money as possible, while simultaneously getting as fucked up as possible, on any hard street drug.

2. A multi-tasker.

Tonight we will fuck bitches get money shoot Heroin. We will be very busy.

by LeopoldStotch911$$ December 27, 2010

27πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

national give youre kids money day

february 19
february 20
february 21
february 22

dad: what day is it
son: february20
dad: heres $20 share it with youre sister(s) and or brother(s)
son: why tho?
dad: beacuse it national give youre kids money day

by unknown_dad February 19, 2021

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where's all this money supposed to come from ?

the assumption by marketeers, many politicians, and other slickee PEOPLE, that EVERYBODY is the "goose that laid the golden egg" !!

two thousand dollars a month for a two-bedroom apt ??...where's all this money supposed to come from ?

i'm already working 12hrs a day, six days a week at slave wages!, where's all this money supposed to come from ?

jim "pumped up" jane ! , he was wondering: where's all this money supposed to come from ? (while trying to get the $250,000 ! needed for age zero~18...)

by michael foolsley July 23, 2022