Some kid got the reference. That was tight.
Hym “Black Star: Big Wave was a way better insult than making you Red Skull. And you are kind of like that. You’re kind of being a bitch about it to be honest. And I don’t think he is the Jew hating type of Nazi. If more along the lines of a “Build better men” type of Nazi. Where he wants to impose his universalized ethic on the world. That’s what you’re like. I totally see where he was going with that. You're also like a B-lister. Cus Red Skull just isn’t as strong as... oh I don’t know... Narcissistic Superman HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”
A show about a really weird and happy girl called Star(main character) and she's kinda of a rebel.She travels to earth and meet Marco,a "safe-boy" and he makes nachos.They have adventures fighting mosters and life,there's Janna(banana),Jackie(bitch) and other weird friends
Star vs the forces of evil or STFOE is a crazy and funny show,emotional too
A heavy Mon Calamari star cruiser used by the new republic and resistance navy, at over 3 km long, this type of cruiser has top-tier shielding and has 2 massive hangers on each side to hold hundreds of starfighters and transports. This ship could outpace its rival; the Resurgent-class star destroyer and its shields can withstand enormous amounts of firepower from enemy capital ships and even if one generator is taken out by starfighters, there will be several backups that can take its place. This trait is also shared by its predecessors, the MC-75 and MC-80
Several MC-85 Star cruisers showed up to the battle of Exegol and were some of the largest ships present for the battle, later many of these ships fell into Resistance hands along with other cruisers, frigates, corvettes and fighters, which greatly aided the Resistance in its conflict with the First Order.
a living meme. the reject school. if you go to north star middle school you are most likely a lesiban or a mincraft nerd who just gave him self a rim job with his finger.
Nathan: What school do you go to?
Treyvon: uh north star
*nathan left the chat*
north star middle school is defined as the reject school.
This word is a synonym for garbage
Star wars episode 9 is the worst thing ever created by mankind
The oldest, middle-age band member who plays music with the other teenage band members, hoping to get famous and leave their crappy day-job. These blokes have a short temper and are the most immature of the members, frequently throwing tizzy fits about minuscule obstacles that might hinder the fame they deserve.
"Dude, who was that guy who just threw a tantrum over the argument not directed towards him?"
"Oh, haha that's Qis, he's an All-Star Band Member"
"bro, I thought he spilt his non-concentrated juice for a second there"
This is a really bad review rating when restaurant precook food to serve it fast. For instance a Coney Island may precook all the bacon they will use for tomorrow and have it sitting out all day 24 hours while they use the bacon they cooked the day before. And black junk get all over it. And lower the quality of all the food like this. Pizza places will leave made up pizza with no toppings out to make it fast. Make pizza horrible.
-666/0 star restaurant Is killing people with this old moldy food that’s not even cover or protected at all , they deserve prison time for this. Death penalty.