The A I U t technique is a power calling ritual that can be used while battling
It can also end the universe
He used the A I U TECHNIQUE to gain power!
One taught me LUV
One taught me Patience
And one taught me PaIn PaIN paIn paINnnnnNnn PaINus PaiNal
Mario is so basic thank u ness
Simply another name for a U-turn, in which a driver turns a vehicle 180 degrees from its current direction and proceeds the opposite way.
Frank realized he had just passed an In-N-Out Burger on the opposite side of the road so he quickly pulled a u thang to get himself in the right direction.
usually said in texting or something. its used to say something back to someone but like... make it rude?
some random person: "shut up "
another random person "no u<3"
Probably is the song name
Its Ariana Grande's song
and for that i say.Thank u,next (next)