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harry styles

an absolute british icon that started off in the band of one direction and started off on a solo career that puts him known as worldwide icon that breaks societies social standards.

me: omg i just had this huge crying session because of someone

my friend: did you look at harry styles interviews again?
me: yeah…

by gayodka January 11, 2022

Harry Styles


Qeoijeijeiojqeuofejqdouejoecjwfuoudjdq Harry Styles

by rabbitxdog@1234😎 February 22, 2021

Harry Styles

the sexiest man alive

harry styles is the sexiest fucking man alive

by sophi3._ July 7, 2022

Harry Styles

Gemma Styles not very famous brother

"Did you know Gemma Styles had a brother?"
"Eh? What, who?"
"He's called something like Hairy Styles"
"Oooh, Harry Styles"

by One Direction do be Thicc doe December 23, 2020

Harry Styles

Harry styles is a singer, songwriter, actor and religion. He is a beautiful man who deserves the world. Literally not a single teenage girl can hate him.

‘’Hey do you want to pray to Harry Styles with me later?’’


by nickwildefanclub March 3, 2021

Harry styles

amelies girlfriend.

girl 1: “i love harry styles
man: “no man thats amelie’s girl”

by harryisagod4ever123 January 30, 2021

Harry Styles

An incredible musician that started his career in the band One Direction. He is married to Louis Tomlinson. His first album, "Harry Styles", is critically acclaimed, as well as his sophomore album "Fine Line". He has risen to #1 on the charts multiple times with Watermelon Sugar, Sign of the Times, and Adore You. He is an advocate for LGBTQ+ rights, BLM, gun control, and more. Harry Styles is one of the most influential men of this generation.

Have you heard of Harry Styles?
Of course, he is the biggest rock star of 2020. How could I not?

by princesslarrie September 29, 2020