when you get that feeling in your nose like you're about to sneeze but it never comes out
person 1: aaaaaa-
person 2: are you gonna sneeze?
person 1: nope, false alarm, I had a fake sneeze
When one is very upset but tries to play it cool.
Her boyfriend cheated; she's fake chill.
what’s scary bout success is all the bullsheeeet that comes with it. #fakeness
J-Fake: Something that is complete fabrication. To Never J-Fake is to keep it real at all time, with all things.
A lie. (J-Fake)
Not true or real. (J-Fake)
Cap. (J-Fake)
Kizzy. (J-Fake)
Never J-Fake with me and I'll Never J-Fake with you.
Stay true to yourself and Never J-Fake.
Stop all that J-faking.
Why do I feel like you're J-Faking with me, I don't believe anything you said.
a person who does not identify to the human race, nor to the animal species. not even of extraterrestrial origin. mostly used to make fun of people who say there from a country that they don't look like they are from
guy:this girl says she is from india, and she is white!
other guy: wow man, she's a fake race!
The term E-Fake is a name used for people who are try hard E-Boys. They are known for being glued to their phones on Tiktok to look for all the latest trends and styles and then trying to copy them for the aesthetic they want. They also are known for wanting to be or trying to be a try hard fuck boy. This is seen in the fact that they’ll go for anyone 13-15 because they know they have no chance with anyone they’re age as every girl hates him.
Friend 1: hey, do you want to hang out with Liam?
Friend 2: nah man, he an E-Fake and he tried to get in with his best mates 13 year old sister
Friend 1: ew, what a nonce
A fake superstar is someone who has great stats on a bad team
Jalen is averaging 30 ppg but his team record is 3-16, he is a fake superstar.