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to use fuel to deliver power to a vehicle.

"What does this van burn? (regular, unleaded, etc.)

by Morilla August 29, 2007


The greatest thing in the world (cigarettes)

The word is commonly used in southern england

Person 1: Hello fellow intellectual would you care to join me for a burn outside?
Person 2: Of Course my friend!

by MobbMobb April 21, 2018


A man with the biggest fat d uv'e ever seen and a man with pride and plays to many video games.

you are such a burns right now

by Bigboy69420_uwu March 2, 2022


Burnett’s vodka. Cheap plastic bottle bunch of flavors shit.

People only buy this because they really can’t afford alcohol but being sober isn’t an option.

“You’ve got a fake, right?”
“Yeah, want me to grab stuff?”
“Just some burns, original tho.”

by LuckyDal September 26, 2020


the nicest way of telling someone to kill themself

Person 1: bro your so bad at cod omfg.
Person 2: Burn

by Burnburnburnburnburn November 9, 2021


When Kain Highwind got a response of "She's not missing an eye, she's just winking." in a topic.

"Kain got burned"

by durrhurr June 23, 2009


i smoke.

to smoke weed, marijuana, cigarrete, blunt or a tobacco.

john: brother, whats up; what you've been up to?
Matt: Nuthing much, chillen burning.
john:you smoke
Matt: yeah nigga i burn.

by x3palOma July 31, 2009