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Douche Nugget

Any member of the human species that says something completely asinine.

That bitch is such a douche nugget.

by chefboyardeeznutzinyourmoufus July 28, 2004

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1. The most supreme form of a douchebag, this person's douchebaggery know's no bounds

2. ANYONE who watched, liked, or talked about in a good way, failed hard movie Twilight

3. See definition #2

4. Any Mexican who's named Jose Paublo Miranda

5. Anyone who likes vampire movies is not a douche-bagula, unless you like Twilight

6. Anyone who doesn't use the term "Cockass"

7. All Jews :)

1. The 10 year old girl who was waiting on the red carpet, while the star of the male vampire of the suck-ass movie Twilight screaming "Bite me, bite me" is a douche-bagula

2. Anyone of Jew-ish descent is a douche-bagula

3. Because Jose Paublo Miranda pussies out on so many things, he is the ultimate douche-bagula

by McPimping June 20, 2009

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Douche Bag

Kelly Osbourne's favorite insult.

Jack, don't be such a douche bag.

by KJ October 5, 2003

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Douche Chills

When someone is being a douche bag so bad you get the chills.

The lady I work with was on the phone and was being such a douche to the person on the other end that I got the douche chills.

by Jen9057 September 29, 2009

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Douche Factory

A college or university which produces a large number of douchebags.

Brad just graduated from ASU with a degree in communications which shows what a douche factory that place is.

by MINDGASM May 16, 2009

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douche bagish

An act (usually by a guy) that is considered sketchy, shaddy, and just all out ridiculous. Mainly performed by ass holes, but can sometimes also make one and ass hole.

when a guy makes out with you, and then acts like you are the obsessed idiot.

by abs March 1, 2005

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douche bag

n. A gay man with curly hair.

Ben McLane is a douche bag.

by Suzie February 3, 2005

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