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fastidious moment

When you use a big word although you haven't any idea what it means, as Amy March does in Little Women.

My sister Amy has fastidious moments all the time. She's young, what can we do...

by PaoloK October 2, 2007

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rapture moment

When you leave a room, come back and everyone is gone. Seems like the rapture just happened.

I left the family room to go pee, came back and everyone was gone. Total rapture moment.

by Singleinthecity704.com December 25, 2011

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Ah-oh moment

1.the moment that occurs when one questions themselves, Did I just say that, because I meant to just think it? 2. the moment one is lacking impulse control and wishes they were invisible.

Mark doesn't think you're ugly. He must have had an Ah-oh moment.

by pyra023 September 9, 2010

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old people moment

A moment in which old people complain, freak out, and create problems for anyone around them.

Awww snap those old people are having a old people moment cuz the old lady lost her checkbook.

by user000001 May 9, 2009

Lydia Moment v2

When Lydia has one second of downtime she has to read manga

Everyone silent for one second
Lydia: Takes out manga
Everyone: Lydia Moment v2

by James Napoli July 10, 2021

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ginger moment

A moment/act of EPIC dumbness and forgetfulness!!!!

He/She just had a ginger moment.
That was such a ginger moment!
Too epic to be a blonde moment, it must be a ginger moment!

by The Wierd And Crazy June 22, 2011

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Chick Flick moment

An emotional moment, from chick flick movies, used by Dean Winchester on the show Supernatural.

"Eeeew!!!! Chick Flick Moment!"

by SupernaturalChick July 31, 2009

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