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Hawaiian beef casket

A very valuable type of casket that the Hawaiians still use to this day to bury their emperors and Pharaohs. yes the casket is made of real 100% beef.

karen will be buried in a hawaiian beef casket

by Tablecloth_wanker March 24, 2020

natural beef

Beef between 2 people that needs no explanation.

Tyrone broke up with latisha but now latisha dates la’quan. Tyrone and la’quan now have natural beef

by Dr Dodson February 18, 2020

Beef Certificate

Any bruise or laceration caused by a penis during sexual activity.

Emily: ow my vagina is one giant bruise after last night
James: Thats what you would call a beef certificate

by SaulGoodman July 2, 2015

XO Beef

A special meat, made with love and pork.

Laurosh: "Damn those XO Beef tastes good like hell..."
Sheytan: "Oh boy, I know. See ya soon you pork eatin' bastard."

by DonDabl June 3, 2022

korean beef taco

a Korean girl with a sloppy pussy

yo bro, I ate this Korean beef taco last night! it was sloppy with little bit of spice!

by Tommytuffnutz October 3, 2020


One who huffs beef, that is, engages in very long but listless, unenthusiastic blowjobs.

Man, Alexis came over last night and huffed my beef all the way through Ocean’s 11. What a beef-huffer!

by Beefhuffer July 19, 2024


To have thrown up, or to say that someone else has thrown up.

“Is he still sick?”

“Yeah, he beefed just a second ago

by lolzies1414 July 31, 2021