A Social Perogie is someone who thinks that their peers/friends like them and respect them, but in reality their peers only pretend to like them and actually do not enjoy their presence.
Jimothy: “Oh jeez, Michael’s here.”
Fonald: “Man, we have to stop pretending we like him or else he’ll keep coming over.”
Jimothy: “He’s a Social Perogie.”
Social Media Growth (SMG)" means growing big on platforms like TikTok, Instagram, or YouTube by making awesome content that people love. It's about building a cool audience and then finding ways to make money from it, like through partnerships, ads, or selling stuff. Basically, it's turning your knack for making viral content into a side hustle that pays off!
Did you ever heard of side hustle called "Social Media Growth"
Inviting some one to go out to entertain anther person in the group you don't feel like entertaining.
Social Pimping - I'm going to social pimp karen to hang out with emily tonight so she leaves me alone.
A man (usually named Gabriel) that likes to eat and also talk to people.
Wow, that guy Gabriel is a real social apple!
To feel uncomfortable around people attached to you
Bryce felt so much social discomfort with juli around him
Social Cove is an online discord server created by YouTuber Okxeir (formerly known as Neexus). This hangout server is used to discuss meaningful topics about society, who you really are, and dumb things too. You’ll find channels for memes, qotd’s, and even a channel to help you with your homework!
Person 1: Dude where have you been?
Person 2: Sorry man, I was in a voice call on Social Cove. They’re always playing Lo-fi beats, it’s really fun.
Person 2: That seems really fun, maybe I should join! :Wide:
Someone who fails to grasp how the larger overstructure in one's country is designed to reduce his ability to choose freely and explore the realm of possibility, or someone is totally subject and ignorant to what arguments belie the things being said in conversation.
Johnathan seriously thinks he's going to pick his next place to live from a map, after his city's economy has cycled downward due to policy changes. Even moreso, he has no clue what everybody is really doing for money and the utilities for the next two years. Johnathan is an example of a social context rube.
Example II:
John often finds nothing to think about when he enters the dog park because he finds people throwing random words at each other, and looking off into seemingly nowhere. In response, he just sort of sits there and when he talks, he makes footnotes about what people say, while failing to see the assumptions and arguments being put forth. As a consequence, he takes every assumption thrown at him, being ping-ponged back and forth.