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A boy who is funny, but cares more about his hair than his friends. And takes hours getting ready

josh takes along time getting ready.

by kiwibla November 15, 2019


Josh is an amazing friend. He may doubt himself sometimes, but he is so hilarious! He has a really kind personality and always is there asking how you are or listening to your problems. He tries his best to make everyone around him feel happy. Josh is a really good, caring and loyal friend.

'Wow Josh is really cool!'

by Your lovely friend :) June 15, 2022


a manipulative piece of shit who you’ll end up making car and rent payments for. he’ll suck all the life out of you & uses being depressed as the reason that he is the way he is.

Girl 1: my boyfriend’s behind on car payments and got kicked out of his apartment because he couldn’t make rent.

Girl 2: oh, you’re dating a josh.

by radical egg February 23, 2019


Josh is an amazing friend with such a good sense of humour! He tries his best to make others around him to feel happy and that is really sweet. He may doubt himself sometimes but there is no need because he is such a good and loyal friend. Josh is always there to listen and help with your problems. I am so lucky to have a friend like you :)

'Josh is so cool!'

by Your lovely friend :) June 16, 2022



dsfds josh

by dfghji76rd November 17, 2020


A nigga (preferably light skin) who looks like he dominates every D1 sport until he moves. Uncoordinated and Goofy. Makes corny jokes but you laugh and dont understand why you are laughing, and pisses you off at least twice a day but he's still your bro at the end of the day.

That's some Josh ass shit.

by c;khfdksldf May 7, 2019


Josh is an amazing friend, incredible person, and just overall great. Even though he has a lot of hardships, he is a decent and good guy. He'll tell you you're EYY though, so just be careful.

Josh's cool, he's a good friend

by mbcbrdheun June 24, 2019