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Colorado Mesa University Girls

CMUs girls should be known for their trashy-ness, showing up to parties in either dresses or bras, and every basic bitch wears big ass hoop earrings.

“Damn that bitch’s earrings
Colorado Mesa University girls have diseases”

by coloradian March 25, 2018

6👍 2👎

Get Ass University (GAU)

Get Ass University was founded in July of 2022. With campus’ in Malvern, PA and Avalon, NJ, students can apply to the Undergraduate, Graduate, or Doctorate program. Head of schools P. Murtagh and T. Flynn founded the institution to band together a brotherhood of men who slay ass in the Graduate and Doctorate schools, and teach worthy applicants in the undergraduate program that ways.

S. Getsie was the first accepted student at Get Ass University (GAU), and quickly moved from the graduate school to the doctorate program.

by BigAssAsses September 5, 2022

Regent University School of Law

An unranked conservative Christian "law school," founded by ultra-crazy televangelist Pat Robertson, that charges students tens of thousands of dollars a year to tell them all about how the law is really based on Jesus. They are so desperate for legitimacy that they wrote a rambling entry on Urban Dictionary talking about how great they are, inadvertently showing the caliber of their future students--after all, if you make your decision about law school based on an Urban Dictionary entry, you deserve to go to Regent.

Joe: I'm going to Regent University School of Law. The professors are the same quality as Virginia, the people are more laid back than at Yale, the people aren't as viciously competitive like at Duke, and it's fifteen minutes from the beach.

Tim: Seriously? How dumb are you? Do you realize that Regent is an unranked, festering, neoconservative craphole that provides less than a 50% chance of actually getting a job as a lawyer upon graduation?

Sally: Not only that, but you do realize it was founded by Pat Robertson, right? You know, the guy who blamed the Haiti earthquake on a pact they made with the devil, and agreed with Jerry Falwell that pagans, gays, feminists, and abortion supporters were responsible for 9-11?

Joe: Ha! Nah, I'm just messing with you guys. Seriously, why would anyone go to Regent?

by lurpythepirate November 20, 2012

88👍 74👎

Minnesota State University, Mankato

A sausagefest masquerading as a "University" in the small town of Mankato, MN. This is primarily a party school for the kin folk in the upper midwest and elsewhere. High rate of STD's and alcohol poisoning. Sucks in sports and sucks in academics. The school mascot is a bull named "Stomper". A fucking BULL! I say that's BULL-SHIT! Fuck you, Stomper!

Brian: Hey Travis, did you get accepted in the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities?
Travis: Nah, man, they rejected me coz my SAT's were shit
Brian: Looks like your only option is Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Travis: That fucking sucks.

by watermelawn March 17, 2017

21👍 13👎

Meaning of life, the universe, and everything


Uncultured swine: what’s the meaning of life, the universe, and everything?

Cultured person: 42

by œl June 19, 2022

10👍 1👎

paralell universe reverse vampire

Similar to the traditional reverse vampire, the PURV must only be out during sunlight and dies in the dark. Sadely, the PURV does not have super-human strength or any form of charismatic animal magnatism. The PURV is has below average strength and is afraid of women or men depending the the PURV's gender.

Let's go out around midnight, so there is no chance of running into a paralell universe reverse vampire.

by FIZZ March 16, 2005

15👍 9👎

Loyola University New Orleans

One of the best party schools in the country.
#5 in Lots of Hard Liquor
#10 in Party Schools
#20 in Lots of Beer

I went to Loyola University New Orleans so I can fuck all the drunk sluts that went there

by Drunk Mike February 11, 2006

72👍 63👎