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facebook sensitive

when someone gets their feeling hurts from dumb things on facebook.

you're friend writes on other people walls but not on yours, this makes you jealous and/or upset. therefore you are 'facebook sensitive'.

by kmb513 February 3, 2011

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facebook misconception

The idea that anything posted or commented about on facebook is truth.

Once the enter button is pushed, its the truth.

Stacy: (status update) Isnt feeling it... I hate Mondays.
AR: Congratulations on the new baby girl.
Stacy: What in the workd are you talkning about?
BN: Did I miss something?
Stacy: Bro... its a facebook misconception, you know I dont get down like that.

by SMFB July 18, 2011

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Facebook Hoochie

Anyone who posts ridiculously slutty pictures of themselves or others with the intent of showing off their hoochie clothing or sexual prowess.

Friend: Did you see what your sister is wearing on facebook?

Brother: Yea, She a facebook hoochie.

Look at your puto brother. He's hanging out with all those slutty girls and being a facebook hoochie on spring break.

by Beckaylargo April 19, 2012

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Facebook relationship

A couple where both partners obsessively use Facebook and only contact each other through this website.

John: Have you ever been over her's house?
Sam: Nah man but we hit each other up daily on facebook
John: What a Facebook relationship

by laxgurl28 February 27, 2012

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Facebook philosophy

Spread like wildfire by the semi-literate and white trash, a quote that starts with either ยซ Life, Love, or A Real Man... ยป followed by some god-awful half-witted analogy, written by some incult, uneducated and unintelligent teenager.

A real man doesn't care what color you wore today... or some other inept facebook philosophy.

by Villies July 6, 2013

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Facebook Pirate

Individual that proceeds to steal everything you post on your facebook wall and post it on their wall without giving any credit thus taking all the glory of your genius.

That bitch is such a facebook pirate.. he stole my Lady Gaga video AGAIN and now he has 30 comments and I only have 4.

by justincolt April 14, 2011

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Facebook Battle

An arguement that occurs on Facebook through a status that has nothing to do with the Status, usually resulting in the continued use of a Status for several days leading up to four hundred emails of the amount of one to three word comments on the status.

Bob's Status: Works so Boring!
Jim: Your telling me.
Bob: Jim you dont even have a job!
Jim: I'm just saying
Bob: WTF you always do this, every friggen status!
Jim: So how about those Yankees?
Bob: OMG Don't even get me started!
Jim: This is reallly starting to feel like a Facebook Battle..
Bob: You friggen started it, geez get a life!

by Ferdinand Maximilian November 26, 2010

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