Source Code

Mad sus

When someone is mad sus

David: James looking Mad sus
James:yea dude

by Shsdos March 22, 2022

mad baussin

means very jealous or filled with a lot of hate, new york or chicago slang.

Tj: dat treesh ova dere was jus talkin bad bout my fit bro
Jay: Mane ong bro she mad baussin!

by Léjoy October 8, 2021

Mads Emil

Best fucking name ever you will love him

Fuck yes i love Mads Emil i want him in me bed lol

by Lilpeterfromisland March 12, 2018

Mads Emil

The most Danish name ever, but a strong nice guy. He swims regularly, And he loves Fish and Potatoes.

1. Hello Mads Emil!
2. NO!
1. Kthnxbye

by Spribom69 December 6, 2018

Mad Maggie

An angry hand-job.

It was my birthday, but my wife was angry with me, so I ended up just getting a "Mad Maggie" from her.

by The JDub January 2, 2024

mad yapper

a mad yapper is someone who spreads shit and is an op about it.

"Nah i hate evan, that guys the mad yapper"

by neighborhood chiller October 10, 2023

Mad elephant

Sexual presentation of genetailia. Twisting of one's hips to cause the penis to fling left and right in a rapid movement resembling an elephant trunk.

I walked in the room doing the mad elephant and she forgot all about the broken dishes.

by Wolfman Fats June 1, 2017