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hh poole middle school

where girls are ugly and guys are uglier, teachers are racist and ignorant, and the sports teams suck.

they go to hh poole middle school? that school sucks.

by duckduckwhore September 2, 2019

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gulf breeze middle school

H ell full of
E lephants and
L lamas,
P opular kids over

U se juuls. They are
S nakes

I go to gulf breeze middle school, please help me.

by Daaaaannnnngg May 1, 2019

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Garcia Middle School Cafeteria Food

1. The worst tasting thing on the planet. Possibly came from the depths of hell.

(No organic ingredients used and fresh from a week ago)

Garcia middle school cafeteria food tastes like dog shit.

by Just a random anonymous person November 19, 2014

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palm desert charter middle school

A school where you get in trouble very easily. there's always drama buzzing around and bad things happening. don't come to this school it sucks. but the girls are gorgeous and there are a few hot guys. but they're rude. but the parties are amazing, and the dances aren't very fun at PDCMS.

Oh my gosh palm desert charter middle school sucks ass! But I heard the girls are super sexy and they're known for their bomb ass parties!

by yohhh February 6, 2011

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Western Branch Middle School

The school with the rich kids who don't know how to dress and the wannabe fuckboys.

Fuck all the kids a Western Branch Middle School.

by Imlitfam October 30, 2016

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Inver Grove Heights Middle School

this school has some shitty ass people in it. if you have a friend they’ll most likely talk shit about you and leave you for another person. they’ll be bestfriends with on friend and then cut off the other person. if you talk shit, they’ll tell everyone. IGHMS got the fakest people there. IGHMS got stupid ass latinas, uglyass/annoying ass black kids, and really fucking stupid white kids. everyone here talks shit no matter what. so don’t go to this shitty school.

someone: eww her attitude isn’t cute.

someone else: she must be friends with that girl from Inver Grove Heights Middle School
someone: yeah that bitch talk so much shit

by bahahahahahhahahahaa December 5, 2019

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frank lloyd wright middle school

I hate the school most people that go here are etheir fake or a slut/thot. If u are not one of those things u are lucky. I know a few peeps that actually go their and are a slut/thot. HHAHAH hoes.

dont EVER go to frank lloyd wright middle school it sucks booty hole!

by papilonglegs257 December 3, 2018

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