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Billy Gor

Billy Gor is a math teacher at LSC. He likes his students and has a funny accent.

billy : small class you can leave now . take out your lesson worksheet.
someone : billy gor so funny

by _someone_at LSC February 13, 2022

Billy Madisoned

When for whatever reason you must re-do your K-12 education, this is called getting Billy Madisoned.

I got Billy Madisoned when the postal worked damaged my diploma.

by Mthw704 November 17, 2022

Billie bob

She is a very kind girl but says "lol" allot.
She is funny when she wants to be but she's sweet and cute overall. If you find a billie bob don't let her go, mainly because her name is Billie how cool of a name is that?

omg Billie bob spoke to me today and i sit next to her how cool is that??

by noodelz._ October 13, 2021

mother billy

mother billly is crazy and sexy.a very shy young person that will come out of their shell.///no gender

i am the mother billy leader. you can be my mother billy slaves

by jaydapotata' January 10, 2018

roach a billy

some random cunt said this to me on DOTA 2

Hold on let me go roach a billy

by roaching January 30, 2017

Billy Style

To have persistent, passionate intercourse in a university library.

Friend 1: I found an empty room and went Billy Style on her

Friend 2: Wow I went to library just to study because I am a virgin.

by BillsDonuts October 16, 2017


asking to do suki suki with Cheerios Honey Nut or with


“Ur in the middle of eating cheerios or spaghettios“ OH BILLY

by smartism April 22, 2022