way to say "i'm tired"
There's french for "j'ai"
It a cooler way to say how much you're exhausted of other's bullshit
J'ai get over of your stupids memes,
I would rather Talon E over the balcony instead of trying
Go Talon E over the balcony, please.
Man who will I find over the rainbow
Oh you mean IZ
When food is left over from a meal and there is so much of it that you spend the rest of the week eating just that.
Mom made too much spaghetti , now we're going to be having thanksgiving left overs.
When there is so much food left over that you have to spend the rest of the week finishing it off.
Mom made too much spaghetti, now we're going to have thanksgiving left overs.
When there is so much food left over from a meal that you spend the rest of the week finishing it off.
Mom made too much spaghetti, now we're going to have thanksgiving left overs.