Some one who is cooked. A mentally fried person. Overcooked.
Omg look at this fry can spilling his drink everywhere.
Shannon is such a fry can always feining for a penjamin.
A song about one homie wanting to put his testes into his other homie's oral cavity.
Can I put my bawls in yo jawls.
(yo jawls)
bawls in yo jawls.
Can Iiii
Can Iiii
Can Iiii
Can Iiii
Can I put my bawls in yo jawls.
(yo jawls)
bawls in yo jawls.
Can Iiii
Can Iiii
Can Iiii
Can Iiii
When you have beer for lunch rather than food.
Hey, are you hungry? We’re about to throw burgers on the grill.
No, I’ll just have a can Sandwich.
The best damn way to cook a turkey. You put the turkey inside of an insulated garbage can with hot coals on the top and around the base. The method is a lot like that of a Dutch oven. Give it 3-4 hours, lift off the garbage can, and inside you've got a delicious, moist turkey.
Try it next Thanksgiving
*lifts off garbage can*
"Now that's a moist turkey"
"Of course it is. It's a garbage can turkey"
A phrase us Kandi kids hate
“Can I see your bracelets?” the girl said for the 3rd day in a row as she proceeded to touch my bracelets “uh no!” I said Giving her a stink eye ripping my arm away from her
This is what your friend said to you if you're about to ask your crush to go on a date
Jimmy: C'mon Jacob ask her out, the worst she can say is no!
Jacob: Aight I love Jessica so much this is my Only chance🤞🏿
Jacob:Hey, wanna take a walk in the park together?
Jessica: Ewww, I got a boyfriend and you ugly as fuck go KYS!
Jacob: bro what