SlimeGuyVR X Pokey is valid and so cute
SlimeGuyVR X Pokey is valid UWU OWO
The area were a man or woman’s thigh and pubic region meet. The crease on either side of the pubic bone the extends up to the iliac crest of the pelvis. The creases that WWE Degeneration X would chop crossing their arms in a X. A sexy crease that bathing suits and underwear live in. The creases that you use to get your hands in someones pants
When she wears a skimpy bathing suit you can see her D X. I ran my hands down her D-X while I was behind her.
His D-X is so hot. You can see it when he wears low cut pants. I love his six pack and his D-X
The are were a man or woman’s thigh and pubic region meet. The crease on either side of the pubic bone the extends up to the iliac crest of the pelvis. The creases that WWE Degeneration X would chop crossing their arms in a X. A sexy crease that bathing suits and underwear live in.
When she wears skippy bathing suit you can see her D-x. I ran my hands down her D-x while I was behind her.
His D-x is so hot you can see it when he wears low cut pants. I love his six pack and his D-x.
When someone lays on their belly flat and a male mounts them laying flat himself . Using their hands to spin them around like a propeller blade on a helicopter
Steve: Hey Markus what are you doing later today?
Mark: Nothing much. Just got done with The Propeller X.
Steve: O man with who bro?
Markus: My boy Jesse just showed me. He was the propeller.
Steve: That's fucking sick man. I knew you were more then a dick vampire.
this is when 2 people named fahim and farhan have hardcore gay sex for at least 8 minutes (they have to penetrate each other at least once, and for each penetration, they have to excrete feces when the other person's penis is inside of them). then, they suck each others cocks until their mouths are lined with poop, and then passionately kiss. however, since this is the texas variant, they use guns (any gun, preferably long ones) instead of their penises, however penises can be allowed if it is used in combination with a gun. they also have to masturbate to balanced craftwars porn. not much is known about the hebrew edition part, but it is fortold in ancient welsh legend. after they kiss, with each other's poop in each others mouth, they have to pee and ejaculate in each others mouth, first, with somebody squatting down and holding their penis back between their thighs and then peeing/ejaculating, with the other person doing the same thing. then, the person with the smaller penis (usually fahim) will insert their penis into the other person's penis. however, for extra pleasure/freakiness, the person with the larger penis can insert their penis into the smaller penis's urethra instead. once the penis is in the other person's urethra, they pee in each other's urethras. after that, they passionately suck on each other's poop covered cocks once more and then kiss. make the urethra start bleeding beforehand for extra freakiness points! then they kiss again!
fahim: yo, are you down to do the Texas Variant of the Fahim x Farhan Balanced Craftwars: Overhaul, Hebrew Edition Kiss?
farhan: *taking off pants and pulling up bcw porn* yo bet, this time it's gonna last 5 hours!
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Literally a match made in heaven. I don’t see why ppl assume they aren’t compatible? So weird. They are obviously made for each other and are soulmates😍if you disagree we will start having some issues ASAP. also follow @saikiswifue on tt for some amazing content 😜and never forget, saiki solos goku 🥸
“My favorite couple is elin x saiki, wbu?”
“Same here!! They’re such a cute couple!”