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Fuck Reds

A Red is a person(s) who is a red head, but you do not like them, or you show 0 respect towards them.

Hey I hate Red's so much, they get on my nerves, Fuck Reds

by Sl4tt October 3, 2022

Fuck and cuck

i don't know

Fuck and cuck retard

by Kekan Pe December 3, 2020

The ol case and fuck

When a person comes to your house on business but is actually just casing it to come back later and rob you.

Ah. I see they got you with the ol case and fuck.

by The trashy hog February 18, 2022

fuck dubra

the act of drinking dubra alcohol
and after saying fuck dubra

ughh fuck dubra

by dubra drinker March 5, 2009

Fuck, you're tight

The opening line to Unbelivers by isthatyoularry on Ao3

"Fuck, you're tight" Louis groans

by April 21, 2023

Fuck Hole

A fuck hole is a hole in the wall in a men's washroom stall, a glory hole is smaller, a fuck hole is a hole big enough to completely fuck the other person and make the stalle shake.

Holy cow, Andrew and Stuart are really getting it on in the men's fuck hole this evening this is sad.

by Santasquad100 September 25, 2023

Fuck Hole

That thing that you stick ur sausage in.

Slap on a condom and stick ur sausage in my fuck hole!

by PussyFucker95 April 26, 2021