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banana hammer

Someone who is very sick, and very fatigued because of it.

Comes from seeing a banana frozen in liquid nitrogen, and then used to hammer a nail into a board. "I feel like that!"

Peter felt like a banana hammer, and had to leave work early.

by NotBlankName March 31, 2010

1๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

banana hammock

a phrase used between guys to tell one another to check out one girl or another

hey vince banana hammock at 5 o'clock

by jack meoff November 24, 2004

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rotten banana pirate

A black mans dick or penis

I sucked a rotten banana pirate last night

by stagola lover March 3, 2009

4๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hand Banana

A cooler way to say "banana"

Mom-"Son, would you like a banana?"
Son- "Sure, I'll go get a hand banana."

by mrhandbanana July 15, 2010

6๐Ÿ‘ 126๐Ÿ‘Ž

Banana Boat

A banana boat is when you instuct your male partner to gently mash up a banana while leaving the peel intact, next remove the stem end with a clean cut, after that correctly put a condom over the entire banana, then he will slip the banana goo-goo on his hoo-hoo!!

useful tip: try the banana boat with PHONE SEX!!

by vicashae November 15, 2007

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Banana Orange Truck

A truck, and I quote, full of dildos

"Dude, that burrito made my ass feel like it took a Banana Orange Truck!"

by Yah Boi, SP March 20, 2019

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huge inflatable banana

something that George Michael likes to play with. Favourable with Batty boys.

George Michael: " I originally had huge inflatable banana but I changed it to fudge packer!"

by Robert Watt June 5, 2005

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