Bro Dae was such a loser for not liking the Batman ride- but now that they like Poptropica, they're a cool loser.
That one person who thinks he is cooler because he replaced the 4 in "2 cool 4 school" with a 3
You guys don't get me. I wear my shades upside down and i wear my jacket inside out. I'm 2 cool 3 school.
When two males get together on a friday night to suck each others private areas but dont want anyone to know thats what theyre going to do
Friend 1 : “Hey im gonna get together with Joe and watch a cool kung fu movie!” Other friend(s): “Oh that’s hecka cool! Can I come?” Friend 1: “Nah. Just gonna be us two! Maybe next time.”
This is a phrase you use when something absurd happens and you are about to beat the shit outta whoever did it to you, whether it be a game or not.
Ex 1)
Mark: *Throws the ball between your legs while doing a back flip over you, catching the ball mid-air, mid back flip into a exploding dunk.*
Bobby: Did you really just do that folks?, Nah it's cool...
Ex 2)
Trey: *Perfects the final boss on a fighting game*
Final Boss: Nah, it's cool...
This girl just sent me a double sphere pic, and I asked for 8 ball immediately after to show my disinterest
A red rocket teenage boy who sent his nudes to every girl in the sophomore class
Jim: Hey brianna, want to come chill in this cool chair in Jamaica with me?
Brianna: I don’t like you like that.