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dead rapper society

A group of true niggas who think rap music is much better when the rapper is dead including easy-e,tupac and b.i.g. Also its a rap version of "the dead poet society"

Francisco-who wants to join the dead rapper society

Ivan-nope, kayne west is my nigga
Francisco-I wish he was dead

by xxyyxx2 February 13, 2014

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half dead fun

Chinglish words. When you are in the middle of a masturbation, your vibrator turns out of juice.

1.5 hours for full battery charge no more half dead fun!

by lowsense December 8, 2017

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Wake Up Dead

From the song Wake Up Dead from the 1986 Megadeth album Peace Sells But Who's Buying? Is something you don't want to happen if you've been cheating on your wife, girlfriend, husband, or boyfriend and sneaking into their house and not get caught because you will wake up dead.

Alright time to sneak to my girlfriend's house, let's pray I don't wake up dead.

by 0ld M4N October 17, 2020

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Dead Meme December

It’s the month of only dead memes. You can only make/post and show other people dead memes

Guy 1: hey dude what u watching?
Guy 2 shows dead meme: remember this meme?
Guy 1: damn...
Guy 2 : it’s dead meme December now dude.

by YABOIYEETYT November 12, 2020

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Dead cat throw

Average length a dead cat can be throw, equal to around 1 football field.It is also most commonly used as a measure of distance from your current position to Restroom.

The store is about 15 Dead cat throws away.

The closest Restroom is about 5 Dead cat throws away.

by trickface207 October 31, 2014

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Dead Mouse Mug

The face you make when somebody gives you an inappropriate gift. Like when your cat brings you a dead mouse. You appreciate the effort but you can't fathom their thinking.

Dude! I guess Aunt Clara forgot you're not twelve anymore. You should have seen your Dead Mouse Mug when you realized she'd given you PJ's again for Christmas!

by SJ@24th June 21, 2010

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Dead Seal Attack

You fall, full on limp, onto a group of people sitting on a couch and they have to push you off. Inspired by March of the Penguins.

Me: Don't you hate it when Steven dead seal attacks you?
Him: Yeah, we ended up pushing him to the floor. Jerk

by asksidnow June 7, 2010

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