You tripping
Jay - bro ya girlfriend ugly
Mir- they baked you ?
Not literally scared but used as “ you crazy as hell.”
“ yeah I’m definitely scared of you.”
To give a girl or a guy the fuck of their life!
Charlotte: “Are you gonna sack me?”
Chris: “You’re fucking right I’m gonna sack you!”
A person who says “bless you” before you get the chance to sneeze; in turn scaring your sneeze away.
Especially effective if it was a red head
“Zoey I have to sneeze”
“Bless you”
“You Heathen, stop refusing to let me sneeze. It’s a simple joy in life to get to sneeze. It builds up for so long and you just took it away”
Like seriously why can’t you just let me sneeze for once in my life like what did I do to you???
A statement made by a paranoid individual whom steals your belongings.
"Is this a see through pen?"
"No, it's not"
*writes with pen, red ink appears*
"You Lied".
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