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Social De-Distancing

The process of removing they socially accepted 6 foot invisible boundary between others, initially put in place to deny transmission of the Covid-19 "Corona Virus".

Chad: I can't wait to get out of the house and be near the bois again!
Jimmy: Yeah hopefully we can get rid of that dumb six foot stigma and do some Social De-Distancing.

by Justice Won May 4, 2020

Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

A poor man's socialist system that the Communist Party of China (CPC) or CCP claims is a whole new ideology invented by Deng Xiaoping that takes the "good parts" of capitalism without the bad, and the "good parts" of socialism without the bad and combines them to form the number 2 spot for Gross Domestic Production (GDP) globally. But is in reality just whatever the CCP says it needs to do to pursue economic growth while justifying their authoritarian grip on power in China.

A: Okay students, can anyone tell me what is the economic system of China?
B: Capitalism? Duh, Jack Ma is rich AF..
A: Incorrect.
B: Ohh Communism? They are run by a communist party--
A: Wrong again, their economic system runs on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics!
B: Really? Wow, how does this system work?
A: I don't know B, read a damn book, they change the definition every time a new general secretary is in power so 10 years from now it could mean just having an economy based off chinese scam call centres for all I know!

by FreeMarketCapitalismRocks December 28, 2023

Social Airpodding

When you and your friend listen to music together over a shared pair of Airpods, and you place the AirPod on your outside ear so you can hear each other talk.

1) Omg Becky, don’t be dumb. Switch sides with me. I can’t hear you unless you’re social AirPodding. Embarrassing...

2) You know Jimbo likes a girl when he social airpods ‘Ruel’ with her.

by CrprtMpstr July 8, 2019

Socially gay

When a straight gay is a gay only in social settings.

Youre socially gay

by St899999 September 17, 2021

social correction center

A government-run facility designed to "rehabilitate" or "correct" individuals who fail to conform to societal norms. These institutions are marketed as a means of protecting the greater good and maintaining social order, but they have been criticized for their potential to suppress individual freedom and human rights.

In a social correction center, individuals are subjected to strict discipline and control.

Their every action is monitored, and any deviation from the norm is met with punishment.

The goal is to mold citizens into obedient, conformist individuals who will follow the dictates of those in power.

The term "social correction center" is often used as a euphemism for more sinister facilities, such as concentration camps or forced labor camps.

The origins of the term can be traced back to the euphemisms used by authoritarian regimes to describe their prison camps and reeducation centers.

Social correction centers have been utilized by various governments throughout history, and their existence remains a controversial topic. While proponents argue that they are necessary for maintaining social order, critics contend that they represent a grave threat to individual freedom and human rights.

The controversy surrounding social correction centers raises important questions about the balance between individual freedom and social order and the potential dangers of government overreach.

The government sent the dissident to a social correction center in an attempt to rehabilitate their behavior and force them to conform to societal norms.

by The Ferocious Whomper April 16, 2023

social adhd

1) People that says/ repeatedly says story’s to get attention

2) people that that let secret fly for attention

Friend1: Dan told me about the first time he smoked weed for the 12th time yesterday.
Friend2: Oh my god he has the worst social adhd

by Not Keebler April 23, 2018

Socializing with women

Wasting your breath on a dumb whore while she fucks a cripple behind your back.

Why aren't you socializing with women.

I did and they fucked a retard isntead of me. What could they possibly have to say to me that is of any worth? Nothing. That would be like going to a sex shop, buying a blow up doll, letting a mentally disabled person but inside of it and then talking to the blow-up doll. You're not getting anything out of that conversation. Better yet, I'll just go to a nambla convention and talk to some little boy fuckers. Good advice. I'll consider it.

by Hym Iam December 6, 2020