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Ghetto Lean

When one mixes NyQuil or Robitussin with Sprite, and candy, to create the lesser effects of Lean

Got some NyQuil and made ghetto lean to get through my cold

by 54321run May 30, 2018

mental ghetto


1. A confining or overwhelming mental environment characterized by stress or saturation.
2. A rigid and unchangeable pattern of thinking or belief.

1. "After weeks of intense study, the library became his mental ghetto."
2. "She was stuck in her mental ghetto and resisted considering alternative viewpoints."

by pixnoria June 26, 2024

Ghetto ghosted

When you are in a ghetto shuffle and almost punch someone, but end up missing them.

It woulda been a tko but you jus got ghetto ghosted!!!

by Demongel October 30, 2019

Knotts Ghetto Farm

people from cali most likely call knotts ghetto which means that there are constant fights/fights like where it’s in the hood

smn 1: bro we should go to knotts berry farm

smn 2: you mean knotts ghetto farm? bc it’s so ghetto

smn 1: tf u mean

by i Heart Frank Ocean April 26, 2023

Ghetto Fish

Bitches or Assholes who's stank mouth, attitude, or actions be having others look at you like What the Fuck!

That bitches attitude is making her look like a stank ass Ghetto Fish!

by Yes that's what I said December 4, 2022

Ghetto Root

A hostile black person.

Oh no that Ghetto Root is throwing a temper.
There's a Ghetto Root swearing, throwing up gang signs, and taking his shirt off in the parking lot.
That Ghetto Root claps Everytime he talks.

by Red Android June 1, 2018

Ghetto slush

When u on da block and u slip on some raw dog shit and when u meet with the mandem u have the ghetto slush on ur pants

- Oii bruv, what happen to ur trousers
- My neighbour, I slipped an got some Ghetto slush on me ass mate, skrippa ima drippa yeye

by TheMandemSlayer June 2, 2021