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Estates Trash

A woman who lives in the trailer park who may be very beautiful on the inside but may lack the exterior and intellectual beauty that others may enjoy. This woman may be missing a few teeth, tend to wear wife beaters on every day except for when they have their weekly garage sale. Most likely has 2-5 kids from mulitple dads. One think most of the dads will have in common is that they are all Owner/Operators of their own semi trailers. Very common to find them working low paying/degrading jobs such as hooters or at the strip club. Very common to see them preying on younger men.

I cant believe Snider keeps talking to that estates trash, does he know what he is getting himself into?

by Sonah Jmith January 9, 2009


This means that your whole point of your existence is a famous celebrity/famous band/famous youtubers/etc.that you are crazy about.

Me : I am trash for bts

by Army2002 April 19, 2017


A way of describing the game or it’s players (fortnite)


by Dflt_MANN April 5, 2019


Trash means Roblox

I deleted trash

by neilm12345 April 7, 2021


you say that when someones an idiot.

you trash

by blakeramsey@icloud.com November 29, 2018


Sean hannan

Sean is trash

by Monday's December 5, 2017



Hey I'm trash

by Nigga I was runnin October 22, 2017